Human-Data Interaction (HDI) and blockchain: an exploration of the open research challenges for the construction community

Jul 17, 2023·
Jennifer Li
Dimosthenis Kifokeris
Masoud Barati
Gulben Calis
Daniel Hall
Jens Hunhevicz
Jens Hunhevicz
Mohamed Kassem
Mahir Msawil
Ignasi Pérez Arnal
Marijana Srećković
· 0 min read
Blockchain and HDI considerations.
Challenges for human-data interaction (HDI) have not yet been contextualized within blockchain implementation in construction. In this positional paper, a focus group accepts the EC3 HDI Committee’s working definition of construction specific HDI, and identifies technical (immutability, data storage, transparency, system design, integrating technologies), non-technical (ethics, economic models, environmental, political, social), and overlapping (governance, data usage, data analysis, and data control) factors to be considered in the intersection of HDI and blockchain. Those considerations led to open questions for future research efforts – e.g., regarding what data types (and the associated HDI) are suitable when implementing blockchain in the built environment.
Proceedings of the 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction